POSTED ON May 03, 2023
Sex dolls are a great alternative to having a relationship with a woman. When it comes to sex, sex dolls work mostly because of their vaginal design. When you fuck your robot sex doll, you will feel a vacuum form in the doll's cavity and you will feel yourself being pulled in by your vagina. If you want to have sex with a Japanese love doll, the idea of getting up close and personal with a robot is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of sex doll sex. But that's not all there is to it.
Manufacturers | SE Doll | Bra | E Cup |
Height | 163cm/5ft4 | Weight | 50kg |
Bust | 88cm | Vagina Depth | 17cm |
Waist | 63cm | Anus Depth | 15cm |
Hips | 90cm | Oral Depth | 15cm |
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