POSTED ON May 02, 2023
The long leaves at the top skimmed the air, savoring her tracks and where to approach them. It found her, and the trunk lengthened and began to bend toward her. His body is getting deeper and deeper. The top leaves start to swell and become less like leaves and more like fingers. Somewhere in the middle of the leaves appeared some orange tendrils, hanging down from intricate tangles. The tendrils, round leaf-like pads, spread evenly across her surface, getting lower and lower until the robot sex doll touched her legs.
Manufacturers | SE Doll | Bra | E Cup |
Height | 163cm/5ft4 | Weight | 50kg |
Bust | 88cm | Vagina Depth | 17cm |
Waist | 63cm | Anus Depth | 15cm |
Hips | 90cm | Oral Depth | 15cm |
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