POSTED ON Sep 25 , 2022
Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to masturbation. Using different toys to seduce you and give you the pleasure of company is just one of the ways. These toys are very popular in today's market. These are available in any shape and size. It can be a muscular dildo or a muscle sex doll, they just have a world of masturbation. When you talk about these sex dolls, you don't believe in their lifelike beauty.
Manufacturers | COS Doll | Bra | F Cup |
Height | 158cm/5ft2 | Weight | 26kg |
Bust | 80cm | Vagina Depth | 17cm |
Waist | 49cm | Anus Depth | 17cm |
Hips | 76cm | Oral Depth | 12cm |
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