POSTED ON Sep 01 , 2022
Plus, you can get pleasure and comfort from life-size Japanese sex doll. People become exhausted and depressed when they self-pleasure near orgasm. With sex doll body parts at your disposal, you can get the most desired release without having to grab anything. Buying adult dolls is important for people because it allows them to achieve release without wasting physical and mental resources. In addition, sex dolls help balance the sexual arousal of a sexual partner. If your libido is higher than your partner, owning a Japanese doll can help you satisfy your libido without cheating. Also, if your partner is not feeling well, you can have sex with the doll.
Manufacturers | DL Doll | Bra | E Cup |
Height | 156cm/5ft1 | Weight | 34.5kg |
Bust | 79cm | Vagina Depth | 17cm |
Waist | 53cm | Anus Depth | 14cm |
Hips | 83cm | Oral Depth | 12cm |
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