POSTED ON May 05, 2023
According to sex doll stores and manufacturers, this is the most efficient way to stock robot sex doll. Most sex dolls have a hook around the neck (the head is removable) and can be hung in a closet like a cape. Adult stores are a great place to buy sex toys such as dildos, vibrators, and other adult items. These stores typically sell a wide range of goods, from simple lube to complex devices designed to help increase your pleasure.
Manufacturers | SY Doll | Bra | E Cup |
Height | 158cm/5ft2 | Weight | 34kg |
Bust | 80cm | Vagina Depth | 18cm |
Waist | 56cm | Anus Depth | 17cm |
Hips | 83cm | Oral Depth | 13cm |
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