POSTED ON Sep 03 , 2022
You're here because you want to know if a girl sex doll can give you the ultimate pleasure? There is no doubt that the sex toy and doll industry is booming like never before. You can have great sex at any time and for hours. Now people believe in getting a love doll. Because they get real joy from love dolls. These come with masturbators and other devices that can help you get good stimulation. Meanwhile, the final orgasm makes you feel worth it. It's really satisfying, and it's more than real. Doll and end result.
Manufacturers | WM Doll | Bra | B Cup |
Height | 153cm/5ft | Weight | 32kg |
Bust | 78cm | Vagina Depth | 18cm |
Waist | 56cm | Anus Depth | 15cm |
Hips | 82cm | Oral Depth | 12cm |
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